Configure Application Settings

Use the Configure Application Settings dialog box to control which SOTI Surf application settings appear to the device user.

If a device has multiple profiles where the Application Settings conflict, the more restrictive setting will apply to the device.


Hide Text Scaling When enabled, device users cannot see or access the Text Scaling option in the accessibility settings of the SOTI Surf app. Enter a percentage value from 50 - 200 to set the text size in the app.
Tip: [Android only] Send a script to change the zoom level in the SOTI Surf app: sendinfo BROWSERZOOMLEVEL 400 where 400 is a percentage value.
Hide Auto hide top and bottom bar When enabled, device users cannot see or access the Auto hide top and bottom bar option in the accessibility settings of the SOTI Surf app. In the dropdown list, choose On to set the SOTI surf app to auto hide the top and bottom bar or Off to show the top and bottom bar.
Hide Full screen mode When enabled, device users cannot see or access the Full screen mode option in the accessibility settings of the SOTI Surf app. In the dropdown list, choose On to allow full screen mode or Off disallow full screen mode.


Hide Restore tabs on startup When enabled, device users cannot see or access the Restore tabs on startup option in the SOTI Surf app. In the dropdown list, choose On to automatically restore previous tabs when app is launched or Off to launch browser with no previous tabs.
Hide Open links in new tab When enabled, device users cannot see or access the Open links in new tab option in the SOTI Surf app. In the dropdown list, choose On to automatically open new links in new tabs or Off to open new links in the active tab.
Hide URL suggestion When enabled, device users cannot see or access the URL suggestion option in the SOTI Surf app. In the dropdown list, choose On to display URL suggestions while typing in the address bar or Off to hide URL suggestions.
Hide Download Location When enabled, device users cannot see or access the Download location option in the SOTI Surf app. Click Configure to specify the download location. If you leave the download location blank, files will be downloaded to the device's root folder.


Hide Reset Settings When enabled, device users cannot see or access the Reset Settings option in the SOTI Surf app.