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Welcome to SOTI MobiControl Help
SOTI MobiControl is an enterprise mobile management solution dedicated to helping you manage and monitor your enterprise devices. Use SOTI MobiControl Help to learn about all of the features available through SOTI MobiControl.
This section provides instructions for installing, activating, and upgrading SOTI MobiControl instances.
This section provides information about how to use the SOTI MobiControl console to perform device management tasks.
This section provides information about how to perform various administrative tasks related to SOTI MobiControl. These tasks include monitoring your SOTI MobiControl system, changing deployment settings, integrating SOTI MobiControl with third-party applications, and performing various modifications that extend SOTI MobiControl beyond its standard configuration.
This section provides information about how to use SOTI MobiControl Package Studio to create data packages for devices.
Send scripts and execute commands on your devices with SOTI MobiControl. Script commands are supported on Android Plus, Linux, Windows Desktop Classic, and Windows Mobile/CE devices.
This section provides information about how to use SOTI MobiControl Stage to quickly and easily enroll devices.
This section provides information about how to set up and configure the SOTI MobiControl Cloud Link agent for your deployment.
This section provides tutorials on how to perform various tasks in SOTI MobiControl.