Add a Form to Your App

About this task

All apps automatically have at least one form or page screen. Use forms to collect data from app users through your app. For example, surveys. You can add multiple forms (or pages) to your app to distinguish between sections.

To add a form screen to your app:


  1. In the Canvas, select the Project tab.
  2. Select Add to open the Add screens dialog box.
  3. Enter a name for the new form and make sure the Form screen option is selected. Select Add.
  4. Note: Each form is created with a subpage. Ensure that the Form screen is selected in the app screen list and not its subpage.
    In the Form Properties panel on the right, configure the Navigation Settings.
  5. Optional: Nest more pages or webpages under the form.
  6. Click the general app Save button to ensure all your progress is saved.