Fix Failed Records

About this task

A failed record is a record that was not properly delivered to the destination configured for that app/form. When a record fails, you can try to manually fix it. A record may fail to be delivered for many reasons such as a network disruption. If this does not work, wait a few minutes and then try again.

If a lot of records begin to fail, check the destination and its connection details.

To attempt to fix a failed record


  1. On the Configurations page, expand the app with the failed records and click the red down arrow.
    Failed records are grouped by data export rule so if you have multiple rules in an app, you'll need to try to fix each rule separately.
  2. Click Retry all to attempt to fix all records at once or use the individual Retry buttons beside each record to try to fix them individually.


If the retry is successful and the record is delivered to its destination, the record will disappear from the list.

If a record continues to fail, SOTI Snap Link will automatically disable the destination.