Blockly Reference

Blockly is a visual programming interface that uses colorful blocks to approximate coding concepts in an easy to use manner and that requires no programming experience. Each Block represents a different action or function that you can chain together to create new behaviors in your app. Blocks are in a variety of different shapes and the indents indicate where and how you can connect blocks with each other. Additionally, a yellow highlight appears at potential connection points when you drag one block to hover over another block.

All blocks supported in SOTI Snap are available in the Toolbox on the left of the Blockly Editor. Select a Block category to open it and pull a block from that section. Hover over each block to see a tooltip that briefly describes its purpose.

Note: SOTI customized Blockly to blend seamlessly with the SOTI Snap app building process. For a comprehensive overview of Blockly in general, see the Google Blockly Reference Guide.
Tip: Use the search field in the Blockly Editor to quickly find blocks.