Viewing Device Information

You can view any information that SOTI MobiControl tracks for a device in its device information panel. This include device status information (battery level, connectivity), any applied policies and configuration, installed applications, location, and more. You can also check when a device last connected to SOTI MobiControl.

In the Devices view, select on a device's name to open its Device Information panel.

Tip: Select the Refresh icon in the Device Information panel to make sure you are seeing the latest device information. A notification to refresh the Devices list will also appear if there was a change to a device in the visible Devices list since the list was last loaded.

You can also perform a variety of basic device management tasks from the Device Information panel, including all device actions. See Available Device Actions for a full list of device actions.

Device Information Tabs

The Device Information panel has the following tabs. Certain tabs are not applicable to all device types, and therefore do not appear within the Device Information panel of some devices.

Tab Name Contents
Device Details Has a comprehensive list of device properties and their values. Available device properties on the Device Details tab differ depending on device type.
Note: Use the Search bar at the top to filter the available properties.
Note: Antivirus details are not updated automatically after you upgrade SOTI MobiControl. Perform a device scan to populate this section with Antivirus-related information.
Compliance Has a list of any compliance policies (and potential actions) assigned to the selected device.
Configurations Has a list of any profiles, assigned rules, and advanced configurations applied to the selected device.
Applications Has a list of applications installed on the selected device.
Location Has a map (powered by Bing Maps) you can use to locate your device, create geofences, and review location history.
Security Has a list of digital certificates on the selected device.

Android Plus devices have a Quarantine section where you can review files quarantined by the Antivirus Protection profile configuration.

Collected Data Has the information gathered by data collection rules applied to the selected device.
Logs Has logs on device activity.
Content Has a list of files on the device downloaded according to the Content Library policy.

Available on Android Plus and Apple devices only.

Notes Has user created notes about the selected device.