Advanced Speed Control Settings

Speed lockdown is triggered when the device is travelling at or above a set speed, as specified in this dialog box. The speed of the device is calculated by tracking differences in device location (using the device's GPS unit) over time.

Activate From, To Specify the start time and end time during each day when you want speed control to be activated on the device.
Speed control starts at Enter the speed at which speed control will be triggered, and the speed measurement unit.
Note: When the device travels at or above this speed, speed lockdown will not be applied until the time specified in the Engage Timer field has expired.
Engage Timer Enter the time (in seconds) during which the device travels at or above the threshold speed before speed lockdown is applied. This delay helps prevent the excessive applying of speed lockdown.
Disengage Timer Enter the time (in seconds) during which the device travels below the threshold speed before speed lockdown is removed. This delay helps prevent the excessive removal of speed lockdown.
Script to execute on the device when speed control is applied Select the script you want to be executed on the device when speed lockdown is applied. To add a new script, click Scripts to open the Manage Scripts dialog box.
Script to execute on the device when speed control is removed Select the script you want to be executed on the device when speed lockdown is removed. To add a new script, click Scripts to open the Manage Scripts dialog box.