Browser (Android Enterprise)

The Browser configuration for Android Enterprise profiles enables you to manage Internet browser security settings on Android Enterprise devices.

Disable Incognito Mode Prevents the user from launching the browser in incognito mode (private browsing).
Disable Location Tracking Prevents websites from requesting location data on the device.
Allow Cookies Select whether websites are allowed to install browser cookies on the device.
Disable JavaScript Disables JavaScript execution in the browser.
Enforce Safe Search Limits the ability of users to search for explicit or otherwise unsafe content on the device.
Disable Browser History Prevents browsing history from being saved on the device.
Disable Password Management Prevents passwords from being saved for webistes that have been visited from the device.
Disable Browser Popups Prevents websites from opening popup windows.
Disable Auto-fill Prevents the browser from automatically completing fields in web forms using previously stored information such as name, address or credit card information.
Default Search Provider Specify a default search provider to be used when the user initiates a search via the navigation bar in the browser.
Disable Edit Bookmarks Prevents the user from adding, deleting, or editing browser bookmarks.
Enforce Translate Mode Causes the browser to display, when appropriate, an integrated toolbar offering to translate a web page for the user.
Disable Search Suggestions Prevents the browser from displaying search suggestions when the user types a search term in the address bar.
Disable Network Action Prediction Prevents the browser from preloading the IP addresses of all links on a displayed web page.
Disable Data Compression Prevents users from enabling an option in the Chrome browser to have Google servers compress web pages before they are rendered in Chrome.