Displaying Notifications for Lockdown Menu Items

About this task

This section describes how to configure Lockdown to display notifications for apps authorized for use in Lockdown Mode:

Note: This applies to Android Classic and Work Managed devices using static templates. The following procedure does not apply to dynamic templates.


  1. Instruct your device users to grant the SOTI MobiControl agent notification access permissions.
    The location of this setting may vary depending on your Android version and device manufacturer. Common paths include:
    • Settings > Apps and Notifications > Advanced > Special App Access > Notification Access
    • Settings > Apps > Configure Apps > Special Access > Notification Access
    • Settings > Sounds and Notifications > Notifications Access

    Also, try searching "notification access."

  2. In the SOTI MobiControl Console, create a profile that has a Lockdown profile configuration. See Lockdown (Android Classic).
  3. In the Lockdown profile configuration dialog box, select New to open the Add Home Screen Items dialog box.
  4. In the Home Screen Items dialog box, paste one of the following into the Package Name or Script File or URL field:
    • Below Android 10: action://net.soti.mobicontrol.VIEW_NOTIFICATIONS
    • Android 10 and above: launch://net.soti.mobicontrol.androidwork/net.soti.mobicontrol.lockdown.notification.NotificationActivity
    Note: Remember the position of this menu item in the menu item list.
  5. Add the rest of your menu items to the Lockdown profile configuration.

Depending on your agent version, you may edit the Lockdown Menu Template to display a notification count.

  1. In the Lockdown profile configuration dialog box, select Templates to open the Edit Menu Template List dialog box.
    See Customizing Lockdown Menu Templates for more information on Lockdown Menu Templates.
  2. From the menu template list, select the menu template you plan to use with this Lockdown profile configuration and select Edit to open the Lockdown Menu Template Editor.
  3. In the style section of the menu template, paste the following CSS block:
    						position: absolute;
    						top: 5px;
    						right: 25px;
    						text-align: center;
    						color: white;
    						border-radius: 10px;
    						background-color: red;
    						width: 20px;
    						font-weight: bold;
  4. In a div class="row" section, paste the following line as a new entry:
    <li><a href ="<MCLinkX>"><img src="<MCDispImgX>" /><div class="txt"><MCDISPX></div></a><MCNotificationX></li>
    The X in MCLinkX, MCDispImgX, MCDISPX, and MCNotificationX represents the item's position in the Lockdown menu item list. For example, if the notifications menu item were third in the Lockdown menu item list, you would replace MCLinkX with MCLink3.
  5. Save the new template and finish configuring the Lockdown profile configuration.


Notifications for all authorized apps appear in one location for devices with Lockdown mode enabled.