Device Agents

The SOTI MobiControl device agent is an application developed by SOTI to provide an additional level of device management. Through the device agent, administrators have access to a wealth of device information and control. For device users, the device agent serves as the primary entry point for SOTI MobiControl.

The device agent is installed on your devices during the enrollment process. It communicates with the SOTI MobiControl deployment server to exchange information about the device and push changes down to your devices. Device users access the application catalog and content library through the device agent.

This section contains the following topics and folders:

Device agents are used on the Android Plus, Apple, Linux, Windows Modern, Windows Desktop Classic, and Windows Mobile/CE platforms. They consume around 10 MB of device storage. The Printer and Windows Modern platforms employ other methods to communicate with SOTI MobiControl servers.

Platform Minimum Device Agent Version Get the Latest Device Agent Version
Android Plus 13.5
Apple 13.0
Windows Modern Same version as the SOTI MobiControl server
  • SOTI MobiControl console
Windows Desktop Classic Same version as the SOTI MobiControl server
  • SOTI MobiControl console
Windows Mobile/CE Same version as the SOTI MobiControl server
  • SOTI MobiControl console