Managing Terms and Conditions

Within SOTI MobiControl, you can add a set of terms and conditions agreements that dictates the use of your devices to your users. When terms and conditions are enforced, device users are required to accept the agreement before they can continue the enrollment process. Using terms and conditions agreements is an optional component of device enrollment. Administrators are under no obligation to compose terms and conditions agreements for their devices and device users. It is meant to provide a service for situations where a terms and conditions agreement would be beneficial.

Each terms and conditions agreement gets its content from a source file that must be uploaded to SOTI MobiControl.

The source file for a terms and conditions agreement must be .txt, .htm, or .html, with Unicode character encoding.

Once you upload a terms and conditions agreement, it is centralized within SOTI MobiControl, so you can apply a single terms and conditions agreement to multiple add devices rules and update it from one location. You can also upload multiple terms and conditions agreements to suit the diverse requirements of departments within your organization.