
Specify the date and time you want this file sync rule to be activated and, optionally, deactivated. You can also choose to enable or disable the rule.

Rule Activation/Deactivation Schedule

Activate Date Select a date and time on which the rule will be activated.
Specify Deactivation Time Select this option if you want to select a date and time on which the rule will be deactivated.
Deactivation Date Select a date and time on which the rule will be deactivated.


Delete Source After Sync (Applies to upload rules only.) The source files on the device are transmitted to the server and then deleted from the device.
Only Transmit Files When Select the criteria used to determine which files are to be synchronized.
  • Always Transmit: Files will be transmitted regardless of whether the source and target are different or the same.
  • Files Are Different: Files will be transmitted only if the source file differs from the destination file.
  • Source File Is Newer: Files will be transmitted only if the source file has a more recent time stamp.
  • Destination File Does Not Exist: Files will be transmitted only if the destination file does not exist.
Sync Sub-Folders Synchronize files in subfolders in addition to the files located in the target folder.
Sync Online Devices Now File synchronization will be executed immediately following the completion of the rule creation wizard.
Sync On Device Addition/Relocation Perform file synchronization when a device is added or relocated to a device group for which this rule has been configured.

This setting enables you to invoke file synchronization when a device is moved from one group to another in the device tree.

Network Restrictions Choose which networks file synchronization should take place over.