
The Certificates section of the SOTI MobiControl Administration Utility displays the certificates and certificate bindings necessary for device management.

You can update, import, and export certificates from this section.

Note: Certificates generated in the SOTI MobiControl Administration Utility are pushed down to devices according to the device's update schedule.

Root Certificate Management

This section displays the root certificates currently installed on SOTI MobiControl.

Details Shows information on the currently selected certificate
Generate Generates a new SOTI MobiControl root certificate.
Note: Do not renew the certificate more than necessary as needless renewals can cause device connection issues.
Export Exports the currently selected certificate.
Import Allows you to import a certificate.
Delete Deletes the currently selected certificate.

Certificate Bindings

This section displays information on certificates used by the following components:

  • Deployment Server
  • Deployment Server Extensions and console (used to change certificate for HTTPS binding in browsers)
  • iOS SCEP certificate
  • iOS Profile Signing
  • SOTI MobiControl Client Certificate Root CA
  • SOTI MobiControl Cloud Link

Click Change to update a certificate.